Pussy Cat Found

First time to pickup a cat on the streets. and its a black pussy cat.

I usually dont pickup cats or kittens on the street but this one is unique.

Why I picked it up?. When I got near to it. The Kitten was friendly and I noticed the hair it isnt the usualy hair of a normal stray cat.ย  I believe it was a Persian Cat. cause of its hair. thick hair, big bones. beautiful face but color black.

No one seems to care and no one was around so I got it. on a rainy day.

Went to a Vet that was expert to cats. Confirmed that it was a Persian Cat and around 2-3months old.

Lucky me. ๐Ÿ™‚

But I cant take care of this forever. Anyone wants to adopt it? ๐Ÿ™‚

copy paste this link to see the cat in action


2 Responses to “Pussy Cat Found”

  1. sinstudio Says:

    bangis pare.. OLD SCHOOL!
    lupet nung mga pic. “The Quad” naalala ko bigla ang glicos. hehe.

  2. Leslie Toledo Says:

    hi christian. do you still have the kitten?

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